Thursday, May 5, 2011

Raccoon and Green Heron

It has been a cold, wet spring. Last night there were frost warnings, but today it finally seemed like spring, sunny and warmer. We have had a raccoon come to the sunflower seed feeder outside our window every evening this week at dinnertime when it is not even close to being dark. How bold!

Now we must remember to take the feeder in every night, for sure.

The geese were here with their 6 goslings again this morning. My how fast they are growing! Ate a lot of little spring grrens. I hope most of them were undesirable weeds...
In the afternoon the green backed heron was here again. We saw him yesterday, too, although not for the first time. The first sighting of the year for a green heron at the pond was in mid April. As I was watching him, I noticed a lot of movement under the water in the shallows in the area of the old muskrat house. Looking through the scope, I was expecting to find the muskrats were back, rebuilding. Instead, what I saw were lots of frogs, mating! That was pretty amazing. They have been singing mightily night and day all week, except when it gets really cold at night. So I guess this is what they have been working up to.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Looked out the window this morning and saw two adult Canada geese with six fluffy yellow goslings!

As I was watching them a great blue heron flew in:

A bluebird was hunting from a tree in the front yard at the same time. Fun morning of birding from the house!