Sunday, December 4, 2011

Muskrat Returns!

I am delighted to report that we at last have muskrat activity on Muskrat Pond. Last March, after the mink tore up the muskrat house, we saw no more muskrats all spring or summer. So sad! Then finally, the first weekend in November, we spied a muskrat! We've seen him (her?) off and on since, but have been unsure as to whether this was just a visitor or a new resident. Today, a cloudy day, the muskrat was around all day, eating what I hope is the roots of reed canary grass, and pulling it out, as well, swimming across the pond with it, and diving under. So we are guessing a new muskrat nest is being built in the bank on the other side of the pond.

The mallards seemed wary, at first, but when the muskrat didn't react to their presence, they appeared to accept it and were all feeding together in the same area.

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