Monday, April 25, 2011

From Snow to Spring Beauties

A week ago today we awoke to snow on the ground. Agggh! Horrible. It was mostly melted by the end of the day, but we were not happy. A first of the year great blue heron flew into the pond on Monday, but stayed only briefly. Our neighbors across the pond have been clearing a lot of brush, so this may have scared him away--not permanently, I hope.

Throughout the week the weather gradually warmed up, even though it rained every day until Saturday. Tuesday night we had a big thunderstorm with hail and heavy winds, but each night the temperatures dropped a little less, so by the end of the week we were in the 40s at night, and over 50 in the day--a big improvement.
We have seen the goldfinches gradually getting more yellow.
Rhubarb and daffodils are emerging:
And on sunny days, like Saturday, bloodroot opens up to show its sunny spring face.

On Saturday it was fun to walk around and what was coming up: May Apples!
Bleeding heart:
Solomon's seal:

And lungwort is already in bloom!
Finally, while walking around to look at the state of our fruit trees (they look like they survived the winter well), we saw spring beauties in bloom:
 I guess that means spring has finally arrived.

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