Thursday, April 28, 2011

Solitary Sandpiper

There's a solitary sandpiper on a partially-submerged log in our pond right now. Been here for over an hour, and seems to be finding something to eat--working the log just like a beach. Last year we had one stop over on our little beach in spring migration, but this year, there is no beach, due to the the unusually high water. A red-winged blackbird chased the sandpiper all around the pond--a comical sight--but it ended up back in the same spot on the log. It seems to be very content there. Having eaten, it is preening. It looks so beautiful in spring plumage. Soon it will be gone to the far north, where it breeds.
Had a pair of first-of-the-year chipping sparrows on Monday working through the grass in the yard. The same day and the next, a male bluebird was hunting from the branch of a black walnut bird was hunting from the branch of a black walnut, dropping down on bugs in the grass, then flying back up to the tree. Since the trees aren't leafed-out yet, it was easy to see. Beautiful!
Lots of spring flowers coming up. Wild iris:
 Mertensia (Virginia bluebells):
 Above, May apples look like elf umbrellas.

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