Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 12, 2011

I've been wanting to keep a log of nature observations ever since we moved to this house 13 months ago. So now I will begin.

We got back from our trip to Costa Rica after it was dark last night, so I couldn't see how spring was progressing..I was hoping the pond would be melted and the snow would be gone. Alas, I awoke this morning to find large patches of snow still evident, and the pond still frozen. But it is mushy, and the three areas kept open by the aerators are much larger than they have been during any time since the big New Year's thaw. So we are struggling toward spring.

It is a sunny day. The muskrats are out and active, sitting on the ice at the edge of the open water and feeding. I've seen them eating both vegetation and fish this morning, and they are noticeably fatter than they were in the fall. Sometimes two of them sit together, touching each other like an affectionate couple.

Our seed feeders need filling. A goldfinch showed up at the thistle, tried it out, looked around, and left. There is still suet in the suet feeder, and we have had a white breasted nuthatch and a downy woodpecker busy at it. I saw a male cardinal fly across the pond.

Went out to post a letter and saw some turkeys through the trees across the street. They are over there all the time, but rarely cross the road. I think we've only seen them over here one time in a year. Why doesn't the turkey cross the road?...

I need to go out and walk around to see what plants are coming up.

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