Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mink and Geese

Woke to a beautiful sunny day, but cold outside. The thermometer read 19 F. The ice had all melted off the pond by the end of the weekend, but today there is a thin film of new ice in the shallows. A bit of snow on the ground, too, and a thin coating of ice on the deck railings. Further north they had a really bad winter storm yesterday, so we are lucky. This should melt off by afternoon if it stays sunny.

We have been wondering what happened to the muskrat house. We can't figure out if something tore it up (mink?) or if it just looks so much smaller because the pond level is a lot higher from snow melt followed by rain. Haven't seen the pond this high since last spring.

Was looking out at a quiet pond when a mink emerged on land, and then ran quickly under the little wooden bridge over the brook. A little later I was watching a pair of geese, when another pair flew in, honking loudly. The fist pair took off immediately. They know who is dominant!

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