Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday, 3/16/11

I have seen the first flower! Yesterday I went out to fill the feeder near the pond, and despite the cold wind and gray skies, took a little walk around to see what was coming up--and I saw it--a tiny yellow winter aconite. Hooray!

Today I went out and found a little purple crocus bud--not open yet, but definitely up. So the spring flowers are finally beginning. Of course, the garlic mustard is greening up, too...

Other sights yesterday:
The pair of geese hung around all day, checking out the property to see if they want to make a home here. Today they didn't arrive till 10:00 a.m. and they got scared off when I went out to fill the feeder again.

A small gray bird checking out the screech owl box. I think  it was a white breasted nuthatch, but I didn't get a good look. I'll have to put that other nesting box up soon.

A crow sitting in a dead tree eating what looked like old roadkill. What would we do without the crows and vultures to clean up after all the things that die. Thank you!

And muskrats, muskrats, muskrats, eating fish, grooming, scratching, sleeping. What a show they put on!

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