Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011 (Monday)

The mink is back! This is the first time we've seen it since last summer. It ran up the brook, and disappeared--probably hid under the bridge. Awhile later, we saw it run down and dive under the ice. Maybe the muskrats have had their first litter of the year?

Yesterday it was cloudy and cold, and muskrat activity was down. They are supposedly crepuscular, but we see them most active in broad daylight when it is fine out, like today when it is sunny.

On Saturday afternoon they were doing something really cute. One was sitting on the ice at the edge of the open water, grooming itself. Another one was piled on top of it, crosswise, trying to sleep, but it kept slipping off due to the movement of the one on the bottom. It would then reposition itself and try to nap again. After awhile, it gave up, gave a big yawn, and tucked itself into a sleeping position with its tail curled around it. It was sleeping next to something that looked like a piece of fabric. The following day I saw it sleeping in that same spot. After awhile, it woke up, took a dip, and then climbed out and dunked the fabric in the water, then began eating it. So maybe it wasn't a piece of fabric. Could it have been a big mat of old algae?

This year's muskrats seem to be more distinctively marked than last year's--or maybe I am just observing more closely. There seem to be at least three of them, two with lighter markings around the face. I wonder whether the biggest one is male or female. Or maybe size goes by age and not gender.

We had a red squirrel yesterday--the first since we trapped one last fall that had gotten into the crawl space above the garage--apparently a fine place to store nuts...They are so fast! And fox squirrels chasing each other.

Another first of the year sighting yesterday was a house finch at the feeder.

We haven't had any ducks on the pond since we returned, but this morning a pair of big Canada geese flew in and stayed awhile.

Downies, a red bellied woodpecker, white breasted nuthatches and chickadees are all active at the suet, and goldfinches at the seeds. Cardinals and bluejays flying around.

Green tops of daffodils and crocuses are peeking through the cold ground, but no sign of snowdrops yet. The skunk cabbage doesn't look any bigger than it did in January--maybe 3" tall.

Our screech owl box is tipped at a funny angle. Someone must have investigated it while we were away. But there is no sign of occupancy.

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